3 min readApr 13, 2021


Step into the future of NFT

About Oort Digital

Oort Digital is one of the first crypto projects that exclusively focuses on building a Super account for NFTs. Oort acts as a “Defi + NFT” field and it has its own NFTs for collectibles and will allow the NFTs to be played in a variety of games. So Oort is is “Collectibles” and “Games”. Oort provides valuation, interoperability and great user experience. So with Oort we can store, send, borrow, lease, trade, pay, mine, and game with our NFTs in a new and fun way.

Oort gives an individual great opportunity to lend their idle NFTs lying in their wallet through the NFT leasing application and also borrow an NFT which may be needed by them for a short period of time. The leasing application is simple to use and so it helps an individual in both the short and long term.

Changes to Crypto/NFT/Gaming Space

Oort focuses on building the whole GameFi ecosystem. If Bitcoin adds the monetary layer on top of the internet protocol, then Oort Digital’s ultimate goal is to add the DeFi layer on top of the whole Metaverse. It acts an Oracle of database for the NFT industry. They have their own brand of NFTs “OORT HEROS” which can be used to incentivize their platform by lowering transaction fee, data access fee and trading fee.

Oort Hero

Oort have their own clan of hero’s and also they can have/make different clans through partnership with other projects. These partnerships help the community members from both the NFT projects to get many incentives and allow more people to enter into the NFT space.

Interoperability: Oort Digital aims to use common tools and protocols to enable interoperability among different NFTs, so a single NFT can be used and played in different gaming environments. So NFT assets can be reachable within any Metaverse.


As Oort advances further in the NFT space they need to consider the ongoing developments and make up with them in time to time. Their Heros have different level of upgrades to be attained and they need to be explained clearly with each level advancement requirements and the maximum level they can be attained. Community members governance should be given top priority. A shift to layer2 and lower gas fee methods should be implemented as early as possible.

Oort Meme





